How Do Dogs Communicate

How Do Dogs Communicate — With Each Other and With You

How do dogs communicate, with each other and with us? Knowing the answer to this question is critical for successful pet parenting as it also you to pick up on cues and respond to your dog’s needs and reactions the right way. Much like us, dogs also use facial expressions and body language, in addition…

Doberman Pinscher Dog

Doberman Pinscher Dog: Breed Information & Characteristics

Sleek yet powerful, intelligent, keen, and magnificent, the Doberman Pinscher dog is considered canine nobility for good reason. Even though lean in its build, the Dobie is muscular, fast, and powerful, making it a great fit for whatever role its human companions assign it — a protection dog, a working dog, or a loving family…

Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Complete Guide on Nutritionally Complete Homemade Dog Food Recipes

Even as a first-time pet parent, I was never comfortable feeding my dog packaged dog food. Even though I didn’t know as much about dogs’ nutritional needs at the time, the logic was simple: if eating anything straight out of a packet isn’t good for us, it can’t be good for my furry baby either….

Types of Cysts in Dogs

Common Types of Cysts in Dogs | How to Treat Them

Picture this: you’re lovingly running your fingers through your pet’s fur when you suddenly feel a lump on or under their skin. The discovery can easily send you into panic mode, making you dive into research on the formation of lumps and different types of cysts in dogs. If that discovery and frantic need for…