Your Guide for Raising Healthy, Happy Pooches
A Dog Mom’s Insights into Pet Parenting
All About Dog Parenting is a labor of love, bringing you insights, tips, and advice on dog parenting, based on years of experience raising furry babies – rooted in challenges, mistakes, joys, and successes, all of which have brought lessons in their wake. Here, this dog mom shares all of that with you, hoping it will help you be the parent your pooch needs and deserves.
What is parenting a dog? How is it different from merely being a dog owner? What makes you a good dog parent? Questions like these weigh on the mind when you bring home your furry baby, especially if you’re a first-time dog owner. But hey, the learning doesn’t stop even if it is your second, fourth, or tenth dog.
Just like every human being, every pooch is different. They come with their own unique personalities, characteristics, quirks, and even health parameters, which means, every time you take on the mantle of dog parenting, it’s like starting anew. Having an ally, a resource you can lean on for authentic, factual knowledge in this digital sphere teeming with duplicate, rehashed information can be a source of great comfort.
All About Dog Parenting aspires to be that ally, that credible resource you can count on to always have your furry baby’s best interests at heart. As a dog mom, I have experienced firsthand the anxieties that stem from watching a pet in distress, being unable to ascertain the cause, and woefully waiting for the vet’s appointment while frantically searching the internet for an answer but in vain.
In moments like these, I have longed for a dog parenting guide that would hold my hand, provide me with answers without causing alarm, and help ease my worries. All About Dog Parenting is my initiative to fill that gaping void. From dog parenting 101 to astute insights into behavior, training, nutrition, and more, this dog mom hopes to be a one-stop solution to all your dog parenting-related queries and concerns. Here is what this platform intends to offer its readers:

Dog Nutrition
Feeding your dog the right kind of food in the right quantities and at the right time is crucial to ensuring their long-term health. That’s why no dog parenting guide is complete without insights into dog nutrition, food habits, and bodily requirements. We will talk about this pivotal aspect in great detail it warrants because it’s literally dog parenting 101 that you just can’t afford to get wrong, touching upon:
- What to feed your dog
- Homemade meals and treats
- What not to feed your dog
Pros and cons of different types of diets, kibble, and packaged foods

Dog Behavior
What is parenting a dog? And what makes you a good dog parent? The simple answer to this question is being in tune with your furry baby’s body language and cues to understand what’s going on in their mind and what they’re trying to tell you.
Pet parenting is not very different from raising an infant who cannot yet vocalize their needs, wants, and desires. So, as parents, you tune in and learn to identify what different expressions or even different kinds of cries mean. It’s the same with your pets, except with them, this dynamic is lifelong. Which is why it’s imperative to get it right if you want to learn how to handle a dog the right way. For instance, a wagging tale is often seen as a sign of friendliness or affection in dogs but did you know it can also be an indicator of aggression? To be able to identify what the wag of the tale conveys, you must know how to read and decode other body language cues such as the positioning of the ears, the state of the heckles, the intensity of the tale wag, and so on. These dog parenting facts can mean the difference between unwarranted accidents, poor behavior and raising a well-behaved, disciplined dog.

Dog Health
Caring for your pooch and making sure they’re healthy is a fundamental part of pet parenting. As a dog mom or dad, it’s your duty to ensure that your pet gets the right care that enables them to thrive, and also the right medical attention when needed. This includes timely vaccinations, supplements, and yes, vet visits at the slightest hint of discomfort.
While there may be different dog parenting styles and approaches, this aspect remains non-negotiable. Since your dog cannot speak up and tell you if something is wrong with them, gathering credible knowledge about their health requirements becomes crucial. That’s where All About Dog Parenting comes in. We collaborate with vets to bring you fact-based information on:
- Common health issues dogs are afflicted with
- Ailments associated with different breeds
- Vaccinations
- Tell-tale indicators of ill-health
- Keeping your dog healthy

Dog Essentials
One of the dog parenting facts that doesn’t get enough attention is that raising your furry baby – if you want to do it right – can cost you a pretty penny. So, if you’re asking how to become a dog parent, make sure you have the financial capacity to cater to your pooch’s needs.
From treats to toys to collars and harnesses to the right grooming and skincare products, there is a plethora of stuff you will need to keep your dog comfortable – even if you lean in favor of the more minimalistic dog parenting styles.
At the same time, it’s easy to get carried away when shopping for your beloved doggo and end up with way more stuff than they need, burning a sizeable hole in your pocket. Been there, done that! That’s why this dog mom is here to ensure you strike the right balance and get only what you absolutely need. After all, your pooch doesn’t care about stuff, they care about love and quality time with you.

Dog Breeds
Do you know how many dog breeds are there in the world? Close to 500! The American Kennel Club currently recognizes 200 dog breeds whereas the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (or the International Canine Federation) recognizes 356 breeds. This number varies for different organizations, with the highest being 450. Then, there are dog breeds that exist but aren’t officially recognized anywhere.
That’s a huge variety of pooches, and figuring out the right one for your home and lifestyle can sometimes get confusing. Then, there are myths and misconceptions about certain breeds such as Pitbull, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Bullmastiff, American Bulldog, and so on, that result in unnecessary vilification of these dogs, causing them to be abandoned, unethically, and often unnecessarily euthanized.
As a dog mom who has raised 4 German Shepherds who have all been absolutely cuddly bears, I can tell you with absolute certainty that there are no bad or dangerous dogs. But there are a lot of mishandled dogs who end up being a danger to those around them, and by extension, themselves. That’s why, one of the key objectives of All About Dog Parenting is to fight disinformation around dog breeds, and give readers a realistic picture of what bringing home a particular breed of dog would mean for them.

Dog Tales
What’s pet parenting if not a journey peppered with generous doses of joy and laughter at your pooch’s hysterics? Dog Tales celebrates that goofy side of our furry friends. Here, you will hear it all straight from the horse’s, err…dog’s mouth.
It all boils down to one core objective – helping you figure out how to be the best dog parent you can be and make the journey more rewarding for you and your furry baby.