Can Dogs Eat Peanuts? Everything You Need to Know
As pet parents, we’re always looking for information on what to feed our dogs. After all, not all human foods are safe for our furry friends or serve canine nutrition needs. But our pets don’t know that, and when they beg you for treats with those big melt-your-heart eyes, it can be hard to say no.
Unless you know that a particular food is not good for your dog. Speaking of safe treats for dogs, here is a question that almost every pet parent has had to contend with at some point: can dogs eat peanuts? And with good reason, given how much dogs love peanut butter.
The short answer is, yes, your dog can have peanuts. However, if you look closely, many considerations begin to emerge. While peanuts are a rich source of protein, healthy fats as well as micronutrients like vitamins B-6 and E, not all peanuts and peanut butters are equal in terms of their benefits for your dog’s health. In fact, there are even some risks and dangers of peanuts for dogs that you need to be mindful of.
So, let’s look closely, and find answers to all your burning questions. Can dogs eat peanut butter? Can dogs eat peanuts in the shell? Are salted peanuts bad for dogs? What to do if my dog eats peanuts?
Are Peanuts Safe for Dogs?
Can dogs eat peanuts? Are peanuts safe for dogs? Yes, when consumed in small quantities. In fact, peanuts can be a healthy addition to your dog’s diet, as they’re a powerhouse of essential minerals and vitamins. As I have already mentioned, peanuts can provide your dog with nutrients such as:
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin E
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Niacin
So, if you’re here grappling with worry, wondering, “What to do if my dog eats peanuts?”, relax. A few peanuts, whether consumed accidentally or served as treats, won’t harm your dog. However, if you’re considering using peanuts as safe treats for dogs, then choosing the right kind is critical. Here is what you need to know about feeding peanuts to your dog:
What happens if your dog eats too many peanuts
When wondering, “Can dogs eat peanuts?” or “Are peanuts safe for dogs?”, you’ll see that the answer always lies in ‘how much’. Since peanuts are rich in fat and dogs don’t typically digest fats well, this can lead to gastrointestinal issues. The most serious among them is pancreatitis — a painful condition involving inflammation of the pancreas due to excessive consumption of fats. Although treatable, this condition can sometimes prove fatal.
In addition to this, eating too many peanuts can lead to other digestive issues, such as:
- Loss of appetite
- Digestive distress
- Fatigue, lethargy
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fever
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Depression
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How much peanuts to give your dog
Since I said the answer to can dogs eat peanuts lies in ‘how much’, the next obvious order of business is deciphering how much peanuts can you give your dog. As a rule of thumb, when feeding your dog anything, don’t overdo it. Peanuts are no different. Make sure, you serve healthy peanut treats for dogs, and these treats don’t make up more than 10% of your dog’s diet.
Sounds too vague? Let’s give you a more tangible estimate of how many peanuts or how much peanut butter your dog can have on a daily basis:
- Small dogs: 2-3 peanuts or ½ tablespoon of peanut butter twice a day
- Medium dogs: 5-6 peanuts or ¾ tablespoon of peanut butter twice a day
- Large dogs: Handful of peanuts or a spoonful of peanut butter twice a day
- Giant dogs: Handful of peanuts or 1.5-2 spoons of peanut butter twice a day

How to feed peanuts to dogs
Remember, I said, not all peanuts and peanut butters are equal in terms of their suitability for dogs. For instance, if your dog has eaten a couple of peanuts off the floor and you’re wondering, “What to do if my dog eats peanuts?”, I’d tell you to relax and let it pass (pun intended). However, if you want to know, are salted peanuts bad for dogs, then the answer is an unequivocal yes.
Since salt per se is not good for dogs, the question of are salted peanuts bad for dogs becomes moot. But it’s not just salt. Peanuts with any added ingredients or seasoning are not good for dogs. Depending on the ingredients of the seasoning, they could even turn out to be toxic.
For instance, vets advise against feeding dogs honey-roasted peanuts as well as boiled peanuts because they’re topped up with copious amounts of Cajun-style seasoning. Likewise, peanuts coated with chocolate or peppered with nutmeg or xylitol (a sweetener) must not be fed to dogs, as these are toxic to our canine companions.
So, how can dogs eat peanuts? In what form? Well, dry-roasted, unsalted, shelled peanuts are best suited for dogs. You offer them as treats or make healthy peanut butter treats at home.
Another common concern with feeding peanuts to dogs is that since they grow in humid environments, they can develop a fungus called aflatoxin, which if ingested can lead to acute liver failure. However, this concern can be alleviated by feeding your pet peanuts designed for human consumption.
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Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?
Dogs love peanut butter. That’s the canine gospel truth. But can dogs eat peanut butter? Well, the good news for you and your furry baby is that peanut butter is safe for dogs. The catch — and an important one at that — is, provided you choose the “right” peanut butter. Now, what is the right peanut butter for your dog? The answer is hidden in the label.
My vet strongly recommends avoiding peanut butter with xylitol, which is highly toxic for dogs. Xylitol, a natural sugar alcohol, is present in some peanut butters. Always check the label before buying. If the word xylitol is missing from the label, look for words like “natural sweetener” or “sugar alcohol” — these are your cues that a particular brand of peanut butter is not meant for your dog.
While xylitol is safe for humans, in dogs, even a small amount is enough to trigger an episode of hypoglycemia — a sudden and dangerous drop in blood sugar levels — that can, in turn, cause acute liver failure and even prove fatal.
Signs of xylitol toxicity include,
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Panting
- Staggering
- Collapsing
The best peanut butter for your dog is one with no added sugars and salts. That’s why, to anyone asking, “Can dogs eat peanut butter?”, my advice is, “Yes, but it’s best if it’s homemade.” And given that making peanut butter is so easy, using store-bought variants seems like an unnecessary risk.
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Peanut butter for dogs recipe
Here’s how you can make peanut butter for your dog (and yourself):
Roast peeled peanuts in a teaspoon of oil. For my dog, I use virgin coconut oil since it is great for dogs and he loves the taste. For our consumption, I use extra virgin olive oil. If you intend on using the same batch for yourself and your pet, olive oil may be a better choice since coconut oil can be an acquired taste for many.
Once well roasted, allow them to cool. Then, put them in a blender and blitz till you get a creamy paste. If you like your peanut butter crunchy (or your pet does), stop when there are still a few bits of solid peanuts left. And you’re done!
Can Dogs Eat Peanuts in the Shell?

Now, can dogs eat peanuts in the shell is kind of a peculiar question because why would you want to give your dog peanuts in the shell? Peanut shells are not the tastiest and can be hard for your dog to digest. These can also prove to be a choking hazard, especially for small dogs. The high fiber content can irritate a dog’s gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to an upset stomach and give your dog diarrhea.
Fun fact: If you give your dog peanuts in the shell, chances are they will crack it, remove the nuts, and discard the shell. At least, that’s what my dog, Adolf, did when we tossed him a peanut in the shell just to see what he’d do with it. While it’s natural to want to see your dog’s reaction to different stimuli, don’t make a habit of giving your pet peanuts in the shell — it’s not good for them.
That’s everything you need to know about feeding your pet peanuts. Can dogs eat peanuts? What are the dangers of peanuts for dogs? Can dogs eat peanut butter? Are salted peanuts bad for dogs? What to do if my dog eats peanuts? No matter what question brought you here today, I hope I have answered it adequately and you can now make an informed decision about choosing healthy peanut treats for dogs.