How to Make Dog Fur Soft and Shiny: 11 Tips
How to make dog fur soft and shiny…hmmm, now here’s something every pet parent has wondered at some point, or will. Just us like, our furry babies, too, begin to lose the natural softness of their fur as they grow up. While an adult dog may not have the same soft baby fur, there is a difference between a natural depletion in the texture and signs of unhealthy dog coat.
The latter needs to be recognized and addressed swiftly. You see, apart from making our pooches look all the more gorgeous, a dog’s coat is also an indicator of their overall health. That’s why it’s vital to not ignore any changes in the quality of your pet’s fur. At the same time, providing the right care that helps keep dog fur shiny.
11 Tips to Make Dog Fur Soft and Shiny
We have all heard that our skin and hair are a reflection of our overall health. That holds for our canine companions as well. To make dog’s fur softer or dog’s coat shiny and keep it that way, you need a holistic, well-rounded approach that isn’t merely skin-deep.
The first step in that direction is to identify the signs of unhealthy dog coat. This will help you assess how proactively you need to focus on your dog’s skin and coat health. These signs include:
- Dull coat
- Dryness marked by flakes in your dog’s fur
- Excessive shedding
- Matted fur
- Itching
- Greasy or sticky appearance
- Unpleasant smell
- In extreme cases, poor skin and coat health may lead to bald spots and open sores
These are a cry for help that you need to figure out how to make dog fur shiny and healthy once again. However, that’s not to say that if there are no signs of unhealthy dog coat, it’s okay to overlook your pet’s skin and fur health. On the contrary, the goal should be to never let it get to the point where you begin to see these signs. These 11 tips on how to make dog fur soft and shiny will help you do just that:
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1. Offer your pet a protein-rich diet
Your dog’s coat is almost entirely made up of protein. If your pet doesn’t get enough protein in their diet, their fur will start to become brittle, dull, and appear lifeless. So, to make your dog’s coat shiny, you need to make sure they are getting the requisite amount of protein in their diet every day. Some Protein-rich foods that help dog fur are:
- Fish
- Poultry
- Pork
- Beef
- Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, and lungs
- Carob
- Oilseeds like soybean and corn

The right quantity depends on your dog’s breed, size, and age. If you’re not sure how much protein to feed your dog daily, consulting a vet or dog nutritionist can be helpful.
2. Healthy fats and omega fatty acids to the rescue
Omega fatty acids are like elixir for your dog’s fur. So, if you’re wondering how to make dog fur soft and shiny, adding rich sources of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids as well as healthy fats to your pet’s diet can be a great starting point. Here are some omega fatty acids dense foods that help dog fur:
- Fish oil
- Flaxseed
- Cooked or raw fish
- Sunflower oil
- Safflower oil
- Supplements
When adding anything new to your pet’s diet, it’s best to start with very small quantities. See how their digestive system responds to it and gradually build up to the requisite amount, which in this case is about a teaspoon a day for small dogs and a tablespoon for big dogs. If you’re feeding your dog fish, you can limit it to once or twice a week.
3. Regular baths
Bathing your dog is, of course, how to make dog fur shiny 101. However, getting the frequency right is important. Bathe your dog too often, and you risk depleting the natural oils from their skin, which can make their fur coarse and dull. And too long a gap between baths can cause dirt and grime to build up, affecting your pet’s coat quality. The ideal frequency of baths depends on your dog’s breed, the thickness of their coat, environmental factors like weather, and level of activity. However, as a general rule, fortnightly or monthly baths are adequate for keeping dog fur shiny and clean.
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4. Frequent brushing
Are there any home remedies for shiny dog coat? What can I do to make dog’s fur softer and shinier? If you have been wondering about this, the simplest thing you can do is brush your dog — once a day or at least 3-4 times a week, depending on the thickness of their fur. Consistent and frequent brushing goes a long way in preventing matting and tangling.
5. Tap into the goodness of coconut oil for dogs’ fur health
Speaking of foods that help dog fur, we cannot overlook the goodness of coconut oil. The benefits of coconut oil for dogs run the whole gamut of alleviating bad breath, improving digestion, increasing energy levels, and boosting the immune system. However, it is most effective in enhancing the skin and coat health of your pooch by,
- Making dog’s coat shiny
- Relieving allergies
- Soothing itchy skin
- Eliminating and preventing fleas and ticks
Coconut oil for dogs’ fur and skin health can be used in two ways: you can incorporate a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil in your pet’s meals (this way your best can get optimal benefits of this superfood), or use it to massage your pet.
6. Give them the right supplements
Along with the right nutrition and diet, sometimes your dog may need supplements to meet their requirement for micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It’s a good idea to consult with your vet or a canine nutritionist from time to time — at different stages of your pet’s life — to assess if need to incorporate supplements, whether natural or packaged, into your pet’s diet regimen. The right micronutrient profile can go a long way in keeping a dog’s coat shiny, soft, and healthy.

7. Steer clear of products with harsh chemicals
Yes, I said that the key to figuring out how to make dog fur soft and shiny lies in looking for measures that are beyond skin-deep. However, the kind of products you use on your pet’s skin can make a considerable impact on the skin and fur’s health. Make sure that you choose your dog’s shampoo or any other product you apply on their skin carefully, and avoid harsh chemicals. All-natural, gentle products are the best to provide a thorough cleansing without eliminating the natural oils from the skin.
8. Protection against pests is a must
Fleas, ticks, and other pests can be especially harmful to your dog’s skin health, causing
- Excessive scratching, licking, or biting
- Lesions or rashes on the skin
- Flea egg residue can make the dog’s fur rough and matted
- Bald sports excessive scratching and licking as a result of flea or tick bites
A proactive approach to keeping your dog protected from these pesky pests is a crucial piece of advice on how to make dog fur soft and shiny. Here are some things you can try:
- Add a clove of garlic to your dog’s meals
- Inspect your dog regularly for signs of fleas or ticks
- Use a good shampoo for tick and flea removal
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9. Exercise and mental stimulation
Your dog’s fur and skin health is governed not just by their physical but also their mental health. Just like us, our canine companions can suffer from depression due to,
- Loneliness
- Stressful environments
- Lack of physical activity
- Underlying health issues
When a dog is depressed, they may resort to excessive licking and chewing, which can impact the health and appearance of their fur. Who would’ve thunk it that to make dog’s fur softer, healthier, and shiner, you need to keep your dog happy! But it’s true.
The best way of doing that is to ensure that they get plenty of affection, exercise, and mental stimulation. Your pet thrives on attention and affection from you, so make time for it on a daily basis. Take your dog out on walks and play with them. Apart from being a great bonding experience, it helps their overall health and well-being, including that of their skin and fur.
10. Make sure your dog stays hydrated
Home remedies for shiny dog coat can be as simple as making sure your pet has access to clean and fresh water at all times. Hydration plays an important role in keeping dog’s fur and skin healthy by:
- Moisturizing the skin, making it softer and suppler
- Promoting hair growth and strength
- Reducing shedding
- Alleviating itching
- Preventing flaking of the skin
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11. Don’t offer them unhealthy treats or table scraps
As I have been saying over and over again, nutrition is a key part of figuring out how to make dog fur soft and shiny. In addition to being mindful of what to feed your dog to promote good fur, it is also vital to be aware of the foods that can be detrimental. The top of the list is feeding your dog unhealthy treats or table scraps. Salty and sweet food, be it in the form of treats or table scraps, can make dogs’ skin itchy, lead to increased shedding, and cause irritation and hair loss.
That’s everything you need I had in my kitty to tell you about how to make dog fur soft and shiny. I have been following these simple tips for years now, and my furry babies’ luscious coats are proof that they work. Hope they work just as well for you, and you never find yourself wondering, “How do I make dog’s fur softer?”