12 Signs Your Dog Loves You
There is no denying that we share a unique and deep bond with our canine companions. And we love them dearly too. But can dogs love us back? Are they capable of experiencing this emotion? If so, are they capable of expressing their love? Every pet parent knows the answer to these questions in their gut — and the answer is a resounding yes. To make things more tangible, let’s look at 12 signs your dog loves you.
12 Signs Your Dog Loves You
My furry baby waits around every morning for me to make the slightest movement indicating that I’m ready to wake up. The moment I reach to turn off the alarm or open my eyes, there he is, sitting by my side, licking my hand and face, pestering me for pets. No matter how pressed I am for time, my day cannot start until I pet and talk to him for a few minutes. This is just one of the many ways my dog shows that he loves me.
Every pet parent has their share of stories about the weird things dogs do when they love you. Guess what, folks, this sense of being loved by our dogs isn’t a figment of our imagination. There is enough scientific evidence that dogs have emotions.
Research has also shown that positive social interactions lead to the release of the hormone oxytocin, aka the love hormone, in dogs as well. This hormone, in turn, helps strengthen their social bonds. However, a dog’s way of expressing love can be a tad different from ours. To make sure we don’t miss out on dogs saying “I love you”, it’s important to learn how to decipher their behavioral cues and nonverbal communication correctly. To that end, here are 12 signs your dog loves you:
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1. Your dog follows you around
We’ve all seen those hilarious memes of dogs following their humans wherever they do, including the loo. If you’re a pet parent, you may have experienced this firsthand. Well, count it among the weird things dogs do when they love you. Mine sits on the mat outside the bathroom door while I’m in the shower, sleeps by my desk for as long as I’m working, and braves the heat in the kitchen for as long as I’m in there.
I have lost count of the number of times I’ve tripped over carrying a load of laundry because my not-so-little GSD wants to circle me while I’m walking. But I’ve come to love every bit of it.
2. They greet you excitedly
No one. I mean NO ONE in this entire world is as happy to see you walk through the door as a dog who loves you deeply. They jump around, bark, whine, and let out happy cries, combined with a full booty-shaking wag of the tail. These tell-tale signs of a happy dog are also an expression of their love for you.
If you live with family, you may even notice that your dog doesn’t greet everyone with the same excitement and energy. Some members of the family get the full-blown happy dance while others just a half-hearted wag of the tail without so much as the effort of getting up and going to the person who has just come in. If you’re the one they’re the happiest to see, it’s one of the tell-tale signs your dog loves you the most.
Suggested Reading: How to Teach Your Dog to Play Fetch: Step-by-Step Guide
3. Licks and slobbery kisses
Dogs love to lick and dog parents love being licked. Amirite? After all, all those licks and slobber kisses equal dogs saying, “I love you”. I, for one, love it when my pupper feels a sudden rush of love for me, climbs all over me, and inundates me with kisses. So many times, it is the highlight of my day.
This physical expression of affection is perhaps among the most recognized examples of the emotional connection between a dog and their human companion. It can also be your dog’s way of seeking your attention, nudging you to give them love, cuddles, and pets. If you often wonder how to tell your dog you love them, make sure you reciprocate with cuddles and kisses the next time your dog licks you.
4. Your dog leans on you
Sitting in close contact with you, leaning with their full weight against your body, is among the signs your dog trusts you and loves you immensely. Being close to you makes your pet feel safe. In a dog’s world, it is akin to a hug. Mine, for instance, has this insatiable need to always squeeze in between my husband and me, making sure he is cuddled from both sides. But he also loves giving big hugs by climbing over us and resting his head on our shoulders. *Heart melts*

5. Prolonged eye contact is your dog’s way of saying “I love you”
Soft stares. Gazing into your eyes. Have you ever noticed your dog sitting in their favorite spot just looking at you with those irresistible puppy eyes? If you meet their gaze, they don’t look away, instead continue to hold eye contact. Guess what, this is one of the lesser-known signs your dog trusts you and loves you.
Eye contact is an important part of complex human-dog communication. That is why it is considered integral to effective dog training as well. Research suggests that dogs look to their trusted humans for reassurance and cues when faced with a problem or challenge.
6. Your dog responds to your name
One of the most intriguing signs your dog loves you the most is that they learn and always respond to your name. Mine is hopelessly smitten with my husband, and sure enough, a mere mention of his name is enough to wake my pet out of the deepest slumber and run toward the door.
7. They sleep near you
Your dog’s preferred spot to sleep in is also among the 12 signs your dog loves you. Yes, if your pet is deeply bonded with you, they’d prefer to sleep near you. If they’re allowed on the bed, they may choose to maintain bodily contact with you while sleeping. If not, they may prefer sleeping next to your side of the bed, irrespective of where their bed is placed.
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8. They bring you their toys
Your dog bringing you toys isn’t them nudging you to play with them — although that’s what most pet parents interpret it to be. It is one of the signs your dog trusts you and loves you deeply. They’re essentially saying, “Hey human, I trust you with the thing I value the most. Here, take it.” Given that dogs have an instinct for resource guarding, especially when it comes to their most valued possessions, this is a grand gesture of love for them.
9. Your dog steals your stinky socks
Does your dog run away with your stinky socks? Or loves to chew on your shoes? Perhaps, they even take your clothes from the laundry basket and just curl up with them. Yet another one of the weird things dogs do when they love you. And they do this because they find your scent comforting.
10. They expose their belly to you
Dogs saying “I love you” doesn’t get any clearer than them rolling over and asking for belly rubs. An exposed belly puts a dog in a vulnerable position, so this isn’t a behavior they’d display for just about anyone. If your dog rolls over on their back without hesitation, it is not only an expression of love but also one of the signs your dog trusts you implicitly.
11. They want to play with you
We want to spend quality time with the people we love, right? It’s no different for dogs. For dogs, quality time equals play time because that’s what they enjoy the most. So, if your dog nudges you to play with them or generally has a playful and relaxed demeanor around you, count it among the 12 signs your dog loves you.
12. Their facial expressions convey their love
If your pet feels closely bonded to you, they will invariably display signs of a happy dog. In addition to the usual body language signs of happiness and contentment such as tail wags and excited barks or whining, their facial expressions also reflect their emotions. For instance, research has found that when a dog sees a human they’re attached to, they lift their eyebrows. Likewise, head tilts, “smiles”, and puppy eyes can be among the signs your dog loves you.
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How to Tell Your Dog You Love Them?
There is nothing more heartening than the signs your dog loves you the most in the world. The bond between dogs and their human parents is so special as it is, and when it is cemented with feelings of deep love and trust, it can be among the most beautiful things you will ever experience — a privilege indeed. Now, once you see that your dog expresses their love for you in their own way, it may make you wonder how to tell your dog you love them.

Here are a few things you can do to show your love in return and strengthen the bond you share with your dog:
- Learn how dogs communicate and pay attention to the subtle cues your pet may use to communicate how they’re feeling
- When your dog exhibits expressions of love and affection, reciprocate by showing love. Cuddle, snuggle, pet your dog
- Reward them for maintaining eye contact with you. It’s a great way to build up on the emotional connection and make sure that your pet is always in sync with you, ready to follow your lead
- Spend quality time with your pet, take them out on long walks, indulge in a round of fetch, or plan weekend trips to a dog park or the beach
- Praise and reward your dog for good behavior
- Show them love through healthy and tasty treats and meals
Could you relate to most or all of the 12 signs your dog loves you? I know how heartening and oddly validating this realization can be. Use this understanding to reinforce the bond even more. If you haven’t experienced or noticed these expressions of love from your dog, or are a new pet parent, let these signs set goals for the kind of bond you aspire to develop with your pet.